But I can't say that aloud; I can't tell anyone that I have been waiting for this all my life and that being chosen to wait is the reason I can. If I were able I'd say it. Say make me, remake me. You are free to do it and I am free to let you because look, look. Look where your hands are. Now.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

early: because even lovers can't sleep.

there's a bitter taste of affinity to waking before the dawn has had it's chance to spill. you know you've been rejected because you have no shame in wailing out the pain. body like a heavy tank of polluted waste. energy like rotten milk clogged throughout your bones.

you moan. you moan hoping that your wretched limbs will take pleasure in the pain of assaulted stillness, although you are certain that even those screeching wings can't hear you. your own ears won't offer you tight grace.

your glands clamp up like a mocking bud. soft and hot, one drop from yielding. fingers now begin to flatten as you enjoy the skepticism of coil.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

I thought I'd only have my inky pages and across the ocean connections. I never, ever thought I'd actually see those megaphone leaping rhino's right in front of me. Thank you, love. These few lines don't even begin to express the depth of my appreciation.

A few days short of half a year and I'm still in awe.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

you sit there like a fool on jittery twigs, pants shamefully pulled down, hands too drunk to relieve your shame. one shoe flips open, slapping itself on the ground. revealed now is your stubby purple toe, bruised toenail grown out as if carnivals nag for entertainment.

you wear your hats too large. you keep your anxiety too cold.