But I can't say that aloud; I can't tell anyone that I have been waiting for this all my life and that being chosen to wait is the reason I can. If I were able I'd say it. Say make me, remake me. You are free to do it and I am free to let you because look, look. Look where your hands are. Now.

Monday, November 8, 2010

It made him a man with legs that turned and hands that gripped
Took him around the corner, towards the end it dropped us off
and he shakes
Made him a man with smooth turns and oil and work shirts in the trunk,
a lady by his side dressed and dancing with her new purse
Years ago it was his motorcycle and also
a car and all the neighbors spit and thought of
Jew money
Before, a man with keys in his pocket a wallet in the back
a pack of cigarettes but he quit and loves
us forever and here is this man in his bed asking his daughter where she’s been
since last month

Thursday, November 4, 2010

if you can survive tonight I will give you the greatest chair
let you hang on my shoulder
keep close against my leg
i will clean you from the outside in

if you survive tonight your hands won't be torn off by that great white truck
i assure you
if you can survive tonight i will stick carnations into the thin of your skin

please survive the night
you can keep my feet warm if you'd like to

if you survive this night you won't have your ass punched
swiped into shit and muck and feathers and spit
keep tumbling for just this night
i can clean you from the outside in